
The Open Book
14 Ungluers have Faved this Work
From makerspaces to data wrangling schools to archives, the digital is being remixed by the open – and it is changing society as we know it. The Open Book is a crowdsourced multi-author publication that explores the global movement for open knowledge in the words of those who are helping build it today, featuring 25 in-depth thought pieces written by pioneers of openness around the world from London to São Paulo. Each of these contributions explore a unique aspect of the open knowledge movement and how it has affected work, society and culture across paradigms, from government to business to design to education. Also included is “The Evolution of Open Knowledge”, the world’s first crowdsourced timeline of openness and transparency from 1425 to the current day. The Open Book is an essential reference point for those interested in the culmination of a global movement for change in a time of rapid social progress.

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  • Freedom of information
  • knowledge society
  • Nonfiction


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